About Us

About Us

At EngineeringTR, we embarked on our journey in 2015 with the mission to create the finest and most quality engineering content, aiming not only to reach the Turkish audience but also to spread our knowledge across the globe. We initiated our activities related to Engineering Education on YouTube, producing a vast array of engineering content and offering it all to you free of charge. Over this period, more than ten students have also contributed significantly to our endeavors, enriching and diversifying our content with their valuable inputs. Thanks to these contributions, we’ve managed to reach approximately 40,000 subscribers on YouTube, a platform predominantly focused on entertainment, which is a noteworthy achievement in the niche field of Engineering.

Our foremost mission is to inspire the younger generation to love Engineering, providing them a platform where they can develop themselves both theoretically and practically without any cost.

Aligned with this mission, our vision has been to deliver this valuable content we’ve been creating for over 5 years to you in the most efficient and beneficial manner possible. We strive to enhance our quality day by day and continue to maintain this standard of excellence.

In addition to our efforts on EngineeringTR, we have also established the EngineeringENG YouTube channel, expanding our reach to an English-speaking audience. This new channel allows us to share some of our Turkish content with global viewers through dubbed versions, albeit the production costs being quite high initially. By utilizing artificial intelligence in recent years, we have made significant progress in creating synchronized videos in different languages, thus broadening our impact.

Our YouTube Channels:

We continue to pursue our passion for engineering, sharing our knowledge and insights with an ever-growing community of enthusiasts and professionals alike. Join us on this journey to explore the fascinating world of engineering together.

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